About This Program

Queen Code Activation is a four part program designed for spiritually awakening women ready to discover what they truly value in a relationship and why (spoiler alert, it's actually coded into your soul). And how to activate the codes of your values to attract, create and sustain high value relationships, with high value men. If you're a woman who's weary from relationship stress and fatigue, and you're sick of the compromise and weak personal boundaries this program's for you! Join Dawn Lee (relationship alchemy and feminine sovereignty coach) and learn how to activate your Queen codes. And discover how honoring what you value is crucial to your power of attraction and your capacity to having long lasting love and unbreakable bonds. It's time to QUEENUP! Are you ready to activate your Queen Codes ?

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    Queen Code Activation

    • Welcome to the Program!

    • First, a Quick Self Survey Check-In

    • MASTERCLASS 1. Understanding Masculine & Feminine Energy Systems

    • MASTERCLASS 2. Accessing Value Codes

    • MASTERCLASS 3. Activating Boundary Codes

    • MASTERCLASS 4. Activating Queen Integrity Codes

    • Before You Go