The energetic, karmic and ancestral elements of trauma and how it's fated to maninfest in the phsycial realm.
How trauma impacts your ogasmic potential and by transforming trauma codes you can unlock a level of sacred sexuality.
How trauma bonds are created in dysfunctional relationships and the fastest way to break them.
When you transform trauma codes you activate lost power energy and become stronger and more aligned with your higher self.
Dawn Lee (evolved feminine consciousness and relationship alchemy coach) and Kelly Wolf (sacred sexuality and orgasmically awake women) have teamed together to bring you their life's work of knowledge, wisdom and spiritual teachings on human behavior and sacred sexuality, as well as their own personal and intimate experience with trauma in sex and relationships.
Module 1. Trauma Codes
Module 2. Trauma Bonds in Relationships
Module 3. Transforming Trauma Codes
Before You Go...